Jeti Test Sensor

Something I have been waiting way too long to do. A test sensor to make life a lot easier when making Lua-apps for example.

When making Lua-apps or testing telemetry-dependent functions it would be so nice and easy to have a sensor where values could be changed in a second. I know, you could always get out and fly but that is very slow way to do some Lua- or telemetry testing.

So, let’s make a sensor we can simulate a lot of values with!

RC- Thoughts Jeti Test Sensor

As usual, time for some ebay-stuff:

  • Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V 8Mhz (Example in ebay here)
  • Two 10kΩ potentiometers (Example in ebay here)
  • Two ON-OFF-ON toggle-switches (Example in ebay here)
  • Four 10kΩ resistor for switch-circuit
  • One 2.4kΩ resistor for Arduino
  • A little 3-pole servo wire and heat shrink to wrap it up
  • Some for of housing is always nice


Features following functions:

  • Adds two sensors to transmitter
  • Sensors work independently of each other
  • Both sensors have three value-ranges
  • Values can be adjusted from zero to maximum

Alastair’s Box for Jeti Test Sensor

There’s also Thingiverse where Alastair’s Box is available for you 3D-printers out there.


RC-Thoughts sensors are usually very simple with connections, in this we one we need to do a bit soldering and have our head straight when making the connections:

NOTE: Some boards have GRN where my boards have GND for the receivers black cable. Do NOT use GRN, use GND!

If you wan’t to use Arduino Nano, read this post.

Take your time and it will be just fine. Here’s my ready test-sensor:

(I really need to get me some knobs for the pot’s…)

Programming Jeti Test Sensor

Go and get the RCT-Test.ino file from my Github here. You need to use the libraries included in Github repository. For info on how to use these look in RFID-sensor how-to here. For simplicity there is also ready .hex files to use with XLoader.

Set up Jeti Test Sensor?

Jeti Test Sensor works as any other sensor. So head on to “Main menu” -> “Timers/Sensors” -> “Sensor/Logging Setup” and after powering model wait a while for the new sensor to pop up:

You can now use these sensors in your apps, test functions etc with ease. Power up a transmitter, connect the Jeti Test Sensor to it and off you go. Test as long as you want without worrying of battery- or flight-time or safety of your model.

Jeti Test Sensor value ranges and functions

Since we have different value-ranges in real life we need them here too. Battery voltages are something like 4 to 60 Volts, capacity is usually a few thousands and so on.

Usage is very simple:

  • Switch up, value is 0 to 100, adjusted with potentiometer
  • Switch in the middle, value is 0 to 1000, adjusted with potentiometer
  • Switch down, value is 0 to 10000, adjusted with potentiometer

Here’s one annoying gif-animation when switch is used and potentiometers are either fully down or fully up:

That’s about it, easier app-developing, function testing! Enjoy!

Version history

  • 1.0 Original release


Always make sure everything works as it should. Do not use faulty devices. Neither RC-Thoughts and/or me are in any way liable or responsible for anything you do with your equipment or to others with equipment used as described here. You should never use Lua-apps for operation-critical functions.

If you find something that is not working or is behaving strangely please let me know. I’m a car-mechanic by training, not a programmer-geek :)

Most Important thing

Is to have fun :)