Jeti VarioMeter is Now More Versatile!

Some days ago VarioMeter got an updated Vario-filter with great improvement in performance. I wanted to give users a possibility to tweak the Vario behavior so I added settings via Jetibox:



New features and changes to version 1.3:

  • Automatic setting of default values on first boot after programming firmware
  • Possibility to adjust Vario behavior with Filter X, Filter Y and Deadzone
  • Jetibox menu-operation unified
  • Added BMP180 to sensor-module selection
  • Fixed BMP085 and BMP180 altitude-bug (Thanks César Casado!)


As usual, head on to Jeti VarioMeter page and check the new features!

2 thoughts on “Jeti VarioMeter is Now More Versatile!

  1. Hi Toro
    I have already built a fuel flow sensor, a gps, a g-force sensor and have received today GY-BME280 tried to Setup a vario but sensor was "dead" when connected to jetibox. Tried a second andruido board a second sensor and finally an tilt sensor as I had one left always same. As Long the I2bus was not connected the sensor was alieve, of corse no values, the Moment I connected SDL7SCA with A4/A5 sensor was dead, disconnected pushed reset botton life again but no value. Any idea advise what else I could try?
    Thanks for all your great efforts on developing such wonderful big boys toys!
    greetings Mike

    1. Hmm, don't remember to have experienced that and I have burned my share of boards :)
      Of course the first check is to go over the connections, soldering, any shorts etc but I assume you have done that. Pretty much all of these have been by faulty unit.

      Take a arduino, solder only the "Jeti-wires" and put firmware in. Should be seen by jetibox. At least you know you have a working Arduino then. I assume you are sure to use 3.3V 8Mhz board?

      Fault-searching is easier with email, so send a picture of your connections if possible via contact page and we can continue with email. So far every case have been resolved :)

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